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Woman holding her hand to her head in discomfort

Tinnitus is unfortunately rather challenging to diagnose and treat. While scientists are hard at work to discover a cure, much about the causes and characteristics of tinnitus remain little-known.

If you have tinnitus, it’s imperative to first seek professional help. First, tinnitus is sometimes an indicator of an underlying condition that requires medical assistance. In these cases tinnitus can be cured by dealing with the underlying problem.

Second, a variety of tinnitus therapies are presently available that have proven to be highly effective, such as sound masking and behavioral therapies that help the patient to adapt to the sounds of tinnitus. Hearing aids have also been proven to be effective in several cases.

Even so, some cases of tinnitus endure in spite of the best available treatments. Thankfully, there are some things you can do on your own to lessen the severity of symptoms.

Below are 10 things you can do to manage your tinnitus.

1. Uncover what makes your tinnitus worse – each case of tinnitus is distinct. That’s why it’s vital to keep a written record to determine specified triggers, which can be specific kinds of food, drinks, or medications. In fact, there are quite a few medications that can make tinnitus worse.

2. Stop smoking – smoking acts as a stimulant and restrains blood flow, both of which can make tinnitus worse. Studies also show that smokers are 70 percent more likely to acquire some type of hearing loss in comparison to non-smokers.

3. Minimize intake of alcohol or caffeinated drinks – while some studies have questioned the assertion that caffeine makes tinnitus worse, you should keep track of the effects yourself. The same goes for alcoholic beverages; there are no definitive studies that prove a clear connection, but it’s worth monitoring.

4. Use masking sounds – the sounds of tinnitus may become more noticeable and irritating when it’s quiet. Try playing some music, turning on the radio, or buying a white-noise machine.

5. Use hearing protection – some cases of tinnitus are temporary and the consequence of short-term exposure to loud sounds, like at a concert. To avoid additional injury—and chronic tinnitus—see to it that you wear ear protection at loud events.

6. Try meditation – outcomes might vary, but some individuals have found meditation and tinnitus acceptance to be effective. Here’s an article by Steven C. Hayes, PhD, the co-founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

7. Find ways to relax – alleviating your stress and elevating your mood can help lessen the severity of tinnitus. Try meditation, yoga, or any other activity that calms your nerves.

8. Get more sleep – sleep deficiency is a known trigger for making tinnitus worse, which subsequently makes it more difficult to sleep, which makes the symptoms worse, and so on. To guarantee that you get the right amount of sleep, try using masking sounds at night when dozing off.

9. Get more exercise – researchers at the University of Illinois discovered that exercise may lead to lower tinnitus intensity. Exercise can also reduce stress, improve your mood, and help you sleep better, all of which can help with tinnitus relief.

10. Join a support group – by joining a support group, you not only get emotional support but also additional tips and coping methods from other people who suffer from the same symptoms.

What have you found to be the most reliable technique of coping with tinnitus? Let us know.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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