Have you ever been frustrated when you go to a show or performance at the Civic Center Music Hall and have a hard time following the dialogue? It can be hard to hear the performers over the music or catch each punchline. You may even find yourself avoiding those settings because it can be so frustrating, but then you feel like you’ve missed out. Last month the Civic Center took a step to improve your experience by installing a Hearing Loop serving all 2,477 seats in the Gaylord Theatre – the Civic Center’s main performance space – plus the concession stand and box office.
What is a hearing loop?
A Hearing Loop is a copper wire installed in the floor that serves all 2,477 seats in the Gaylord Theatre – the Civic Center’s main performance space – plus the concession stand and box office. The copper wire and the telecoil in your hearing device work together to connect to the theatre’s sound. It dramatically improves sound clarity for patrons using hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Is it the same technology as Bluetooth on my phone?
No. Bluetooth technology is great for short range and a limited number of users. Bluetooth also requires pairing of products to use the technology. With the hearing loop system, the Civic Center can now serve large audiences with minimal setup.
How do you use it?
Make an appointment with one of our audiologists to make sure the t-coil in your hearing aid or cochlear implant is activated. Once Activated, simply walk into the theatre, find your seat, turn your t-coil on and enjoy the experience.
Call or message us to make an appointment today.

Our Audiologists attended the Hearing Loop ribbon cutting ceremony along with several members of HLAA.
For more information, read the story on newsok.com.